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The South


the south

original novel: Ten Years

author: 暗夜流光 anyeliuguang

main actors and actresses: Enhe Kang, Mengyao Di, Jin Yang, Feng Qiu, Xiaona Wu, Zhenlun Liang.

Story: Ten Years is one of the most famous, important and touching Chinese slash novels. The emergence of Ten Years improved the standard of the whole slash novel circle (has very good literariness). The style of it is realistic and sad (depressed?).

It talks about a struggling relationship between Yu Gao and Weisen Li that lasted for ten years. Two main characters are friends from junior high school. Yu is a gay and he loves Li.  Li claims he's straight but at the same time he is also crushed on Yu (has sex before he knows Yu is gay). After they grow up Li chooses to get married. Then a long sorrowful, depressed and violent period begins. At the end Li's wife gets divorced with him. One day Li and his two-year-old son appear in front of Yu's house, they choose to stay together.....

(I just did a quick reading so some information may not 100% accurate)

In order to improve the probability to show this film in theaters, production team chose not to release the trailer (it was planned to be showen on March, 2016).


p.s. one sad thing is that....the author of this novel got cancer few years ago and she has no enough money to pay all the medical expenses now. She encouraged fans to buy her novels instead of donating. If anyone wants to help just click the link for further information. 

Main actor Mengyao Di, taking the role of Weisen Li.

Main actor Enhe Kang, taking the role of Yu Gao

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